Restraining Orders

Restraining orders can provide peace of mind to those who are experiencing harassment, stalking, or threatening behaviors from another individual. The Greenville divorce lawyers at Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey, LLC are experienced in this area of family law, and will fight to bring you the safety and protection you need.

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What you need to know about restraining orders:

Altercations between family members sometimes require legal intervention similar to restraining orders or domestic violence restraining orders to keep both parties behaving in a civil manner. A restraining order against a family member, spouse, or a person with whom you are in a legitimate relationship is called an Order of Protection. Depending on the severity of the case, the judge may issue an order of protection prohibiting the accused from communicating with you or those involved for no less than six months but no more than a year.

Should you experience harassment or stalking from a non-family member, you may file for a Magistrate’s Court restraining order. Usually, prior police documentation of instances where the accused has harassed or stalked you is required for this type of restraining order.

What’s next?

Victims of harassment often simply want to find peace and protection. The family law attorneys at Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey know Greenville, South Carolina’s laws dealing with restraining orders and can help you. Contact us today at (864) 781-0225.


A consultation fee is required on all family court matters. Please take a minute to read our Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: Am I required to pay child support if I don’t have any contact or visitation with my child or children?

A: Yes, all parents are required to pay child support regardless of how often you contact or visit your child or children. The only instance where this may not be necessary is if your parental rights have been terminated.

Q: Can the Department of Social Services (DSS) force me to submit to a drug test?

A: No, DSS does not have the right to force you to submit to a drug test; however, by refusing the test, it does give them a reason to suspect drug use in the home and they may seek the removal of any children.

Q: I have a court hearing requesting that I pay child support. What should I do?

A: Every situation and family court matter is unique. When possible, we recommend contacting an experienced family law attorney to help you navigate family court and ensure the best outcome for you and your children. Our family law attorneys are available to help. We require a consultation fee on all family court matters. Schedule a comprehensive consultation by calling us today at (864) 781-0225 or contact us online.

Q: We have an uncontested divorce and are in agreement on everything. What are the fees for an uncontested divorce?

A: While an uncontested divorce may feel like an open and shut matter, our attorneys give all family court matters a comprehensive review and consultation. We require consultation fee on all family court matters. Since divorce includes two parties, we can only represent one spouse in this instance.

Why Choose Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey Law Firm?

With the experience to address complex family law, criminal defense, and real estate matters, our knowledgeable team of attorneys are here to advocate for you. We operate our law offices on three main principles:



We strive to establish personal trust with each and every client.


We operate with the utmost integrity when dealing with clients and the legal community.


We commit to excellence in all aspects of the legal profession.
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