Tax Evasion Defense Lawyer

Careless mistakes can turn into serious accusations – especially when dealing with tax evasion. In recent years, both State and Federal Tax authorities have become more stringent in enforcing tax laws. Our criminal defense attorneys have successfully handled both civil and criminal tax investigations across the state of South Carolina.

Case Review

If you have an accountant in charge of your taxes, you may not even be aware of the mistakes made until it is too late. Even if you are in charge of your own taxes, there is a possibility that you might make a mistake that might be misconstrued as a tax evasion attempt. Facing these types of allegations can be scary, to say the least. This is why it is imperative that you have seasoned professionals helping you defend your rights. If you would like to have the tax evasion defense lawyers at Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey LLC review the facts of your case, contact us today.

What You Need to Know About Tax Evasion and Tax Evasion Defense:

The most important thing to know about this act is that it is illegal. If you are in this predicament through no fault of your own, or if it occurred unknowingly, there are avenues for recourse. In order to grasp the full understanding of the defense avenues available to you, you must first have an idea of what tax evasion itself entails.

Tax evasion can occur when:

  • You neglect to file a tax return form, even if you believed your earnings did not warrant one
  • You misrepresent or exaggerate expenses or deductions
  • You make false statements to authorities when questioned about your taxes

The penalties of this crime vary; however, almost all charged with the crime must pay fines up to $250,000. Some cases may even result in up to five years in prison. The penalties levied against you will depend on the nature of the crime and your involvement in it. A tax evasion defense lawyer will work diligently to assess your case to determine the best course of action for your defense.

What’s Next?

At Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey, LLC, our criminal defense attorneys have successfully handled both civil and criminal tax investigations across the state of South Carolina. If you are the subject of a tax audit, the most important thing to do is take immediate action and seek our help. We advise you to call for a consultation prior to meeting with tax investigators. Call us at (864) 781-0224.

Why Choose Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey Law Firm?

With the experience to address complex family law, criminal defense, and real estate matters, our knowledgeable team of attorneys are here to advocate for you. We operate our law offices on three main principles:



We strive to establish personal trust with each and every client.


We operate with the utmost integrity when dealing with clients and the legal community.


We commit to excellence in all aspects of the legal profession.
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