Family law attorneys play a large role in the process. When spouses are getting divorced, they are left to decide difficult issues, such as:
- Custody
- Property division
- Alimony
- Child support
Each of these issues can be an area where the two spouses may not agree. At the same time, the decisions that they make can impact them and their children for years. Spouses need to turn somewhere for legal help because they may not understand the law, nor do they have the capacity to make these decisions on their own, given the circumstances.
Negotiating an End to a Marriage Is Challenging
Many marriages end with a settlement agreement that becomes part of the divorce order. However, negotiating this agreement is not always easy, especially when the two spouses may not have the best relationship. It is often difficult for the two to negotiate with each other. In many cases, this is exactly what they should avoid. An attorney would help their client negotiate the marital settlement agreement, advising them of their legal rights in the process.
In some cases, the spouses may not be able to reach an agreement. When that happens, the case will need to go to a hearing in front of a judge. An attorney will represent their client at the hearing, making legal arguments on their behalf to persuade the judge.
Divorce is only part of what a family lawyer does. Even after the divorce is final, there may still be ongoing issues between the two ex-spouses when they have children together. So long as the parents share time with the children and there are child support obligations, there is always the possibility for legal issues.
Some of the primary post-divorce issues that may arise include:
- Modification of child support
- Disputes over how the children are raised
- Failure to follow the custody agreement
- Modification of the custody agreement
By definition, family law issues can be emotional. In addition, these matters are highly consequential for you and your children. You may not make the best decisions on your own because you could have trouble separating yourself and your emotions from the situation. What you really need is someone who can:
- Listen to you and learn about your situation.
- Give you impartial advice.
- Point out considerations that you may have been overlooking.
- Be an advocate who can work to obtain the best possible outcome for you.
Given the role that your attorney will play in your family law matter, it is essential to choose the right lawyer. With the attorney you choose, you are trusting with your future because your divorce decisions will leave a lasting imprint on your life and that of your children.
Greenville Family Law Attorneys
Whether you are going through a divorce or need help with another family law matter, the law firm of Bannister & Wyatt can help you. Call us today at (864) 298-0084 or contact us online to discuss your matter and get the legal advice that you need.
Do I need a lawyer in a divorce case?
There is no legal requirement, but an attorney will help greatly
Will every divorce case go to trial?
Very few do. Most settle before trial.
What if my spouse and I cannot agree?
Then, you would need a hearing in front of a judge